3 Benefits You’ll Receive From Home HVAC Zoning

HVAC zoning allows you to control the temperature of each room or zone in your Quincy, Florida, home individually. As a result, in enhances home comfort for you and your family. Let’s take a brief look at what HVAC zoning is and three benefits you’ll enjoy from having your home zoned.

What’s HVAC Zoning?

Dampers installed in the ductwork open and close to allow warm or cool air into a specific area when the dedicated thermostat tells them to operate. Each room has its own thermostat, which the occupant controls individually. What are the benefits of this system?

Greater Flexibility

Because there are several thermostats installed throughout the house, you don’t have to keep the entire home at one set temperature. If the upstairs room is hotter than the lower rooms, simply adjust the temperature with the dedicated thermostat. When you’re cooking in the kitchen and it’s starting to heat up, you can set a cooler temperature for the chef while people in the living room can enjoy a warmer space.

Reduces Energy Bills

If you have rooms you’re not using, there’s no need to waste energy heating or cooling them. Set the temperature a bit higher in the summer and lower in the winter. You won’t use as much electricity or fuel. As a result, you’ll save money on your energy bills.

Extends the Life of the HVAC System

Because the HVAC system isn’t blasting away all day and night trying to keep a consistent temperature throughout the house, it’ll last longer and run more efficiently. The more the system runs, the more wear and tear it experiences. This can result in parts wearing out quickly and a reduction of its lifespan. HVAC zoning will help to preserve your system so that it can keep your family comfortable for years to come.

Do you want to learn more about HVAC zoning? Give our professional team at Central Heating Consultants a call today to discuss all of your HVAC needs.

Image provided by iStock

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