Best Ways to Effectively Circulate Air

Clean, fresh air is important for our health and well-being. Newer homes in Tallahassee, Florida, are designed for energy efficiency when it comes to heating and air conditioning. Sometimes this can lead to the air in our homes becoming stale or stagnant. Here are the best ways to effectively circulate air in your home:

Open Windows

Opening a few windows is an easy solution that can get the air circulating in your home. Tallahassee has plenty of nice days in the spring and fall when the humidity isn’t too high and the temperatures are just right for letting the fresh air in. For best results, try to open windows on opposite sides of the home to create a cross breeze.

Run Your HVAC System

You don’t have to run your HVAC system only when you want heating or cooling. You can set your system to the fan setting and let your HVAC equipment circulate air to every room in your home. This way, you’ll benefit from the fact that the air has passed through the HVAC filter, which will remove impurities and give you cleaner air in your home.

Change Filters

It’s important to keep your HVAC filter clean. Dirty filters make your system work harder, which can cost you extra money on your utility bills. When HVAC filters clog, they can’t help clean the air that circulates throughout your home. Change yours every 30 to 90 days.

Run Ceiling Fans

In addition to adding to your decor, ceiling fans are great for moving air around in your home. You can improve our home’s air circulation and help your HVAC system keep your home cool, allowing you to run your AC less.

Air circulation is important for a clean, healthy home. If you would like a professional assessment of your home’s air quality, give us a call at 850-270-4352. You can always feel free to get in touch with Central Heating Consultants to answer your HVAC questions.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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