5 Potential Indoor Air Pollution Sources in Your Home
Your Tallahassee, FL, home likely has multiple sources of indoor air pollution. They can anything from pet dander to chemicals found in your carpet. The following are five potential sources of indoor air pollution that can impact you and anyone living under your roof right now:
This gas is inert and odorless, and it can come up from the ground underneath your home. When it decays, the radiation can hook up with dust particles that you breathe into your lungs. Indoor concentrations can actually be higher than outdoor levels.
Regular Products
You probably use many different household products on a daily basis, ranging from candles and air fresheners to personal hygiene products. Many of them can put out volatile organic compounds that result in a number of potential health issues. Those range from irritation of your eyes, throat and nose to organ damage and cancer.
Water heaters, ovens, fireplaces and furnaces might burn fuels for energy, and combustion can create pollution. Clean all your appliances, and have them tested for safety and functionality. Professional duct cleaning helps your HVAC system run more efficiently and also cleans out your air in your home.
Indoor Smoking
Secondhand tobacco smoke has dozens of carcinogens and thousands of potentially harmful chemicals. When exhaled, it gets into carpets, walls, drapes and nearly everything.
Certain microbial love damp spots inside homes and buildings. Microbial eat up what the they land on, and they thrive in humid climates and the winter season. When microbial multiply, there are more of them that you and your family might inhale.
These five sources of indoor air pollution are only some of the many that might impact your home. Contact us at Central Heating Consultants for indoor air quality services that can ensure you enjoy clean air all the time.
Image provided by iStock
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