3 Reasons to Upgrade Your HVAC With a Variable-Speed AC System
Central air conditioning systems have an average lifespan of about 12 years. The systems available today have many innovative features designed to boost energy efficiency and increase your comfort. Here are three reasons to upgrade the HVAC in your Tallahassee, Florida, home with a variable-speed AC system:
Enhance Comfort
First off, a variable-speed AC system blows cooled and dehumidified air more frequently and consistently. As a result, it improves humidity control, preventing microbial growth. These systems also assure consistent temperatures in your home, which means you can enjoy enhanced year-round comfort.
Improve Indoor Air Quality
More frequent cycling of the air in your home leads to better indoor air quality. All of the cooled air passes through the system’s filter, capturing dust particles, pollen and other particulates. You may find it easier to breathe, and your home may be less dusty after installing a variable-speed AC system. As a result, you’ll even sleep better.
Lower Operating Costs
Variable-speed AC systems operate at a higher level of efficiency. By running at the lowest necessary speed, the system automatically curbs unnecessary energy use. They automatically increase the speed when requiring more airflow, such as on extremely hot days. Your utility bills could drop by up to 20 percent per month after installing this new system.
Extend AC System’s Lifespan
Finally, variable-speed air conditioning systems don’t cycle as frequently as single-speed systems. As a result, they experience fewer breakdowns and cooling disruptions. The reduced wear and tear of variable-speed motors extends the system’s lifespan by several years compared to single-speed systems.
Variable-speed AC systems offer enhanced adaptability to the temperature and humidity conditions in your home. They also integrate with programmable and smart thermostats, allowing you to automate your temperature settings and take advantage of additional energy savings. At Central Heating Consultants, we look forward to installing a new variable-speed AC system in your Tallahassee home.
Image provided by Thinkstock
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